
Original price was: MXN $ 3,900.00 – MXN $ 4,600.00.Current price is: MXN $ 2,730.00 – MXN $ 3,220.00.


Material: Silver .950

Disponible en plata con perlas o con piedras volcanicas.

Medium 17 to 19 cm wrist.
Medium 18 to 21 cm wrist

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Code: N/D Category: Charms and Necklace, Badges (Cameo and Hearts), Pieces divina comedia plata Categories: , , , Label


Divine Comedy

Dante titled his poem Comedy, although a long tradition started by Boccaccio adjectives it as Divine, both for its excellence in the eyes of Dante's first biographer and for dealing with non-earthly matters. It is not known exactly when Dante began writing the Comedy. The author's words at the end of the Vita Nuova suggest that the idea of Beatriz's triumph beyond death came to him before he was banished, but there is nothing to indicate that he began the work immediately. It is possible that the composition began around 1306-1307, from shortly after beginning his exile, and undoubtedly it lasted until shortly before his death (1321); that is, for about fifteen years.

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